Saturday, November 26, 2011

ICLW week

Happy ICLW week.  Thanks you first time readers and thank you guys that have been following my blog since the start.  Also, thank you Still Hoping from Hope Delayed and Lady Bug from My Journey to Conception for the blogging award!! You have caught me in the middle of the two week wait of my first and, god willing, only IVF cycle.  For those that haven't heard my whole story, me and my husband have been TTC since the day we got married about a year and half ago.  We were a little concerned when it didn't happen those first few months, but attributed it to the birth control pills I had been taking since I was a teen to control an unusually painful period.  When we got a BFP just after new years in 2011, it was the most exciting thing, what we weren't prepared for was an early miscarriage a few days later.  We kept trying the natural way after that with the occasional foray into over the counter fertility drugs, lotions and potions and nothing worked until we came back from a lovely vacation in the Caribbean in which we went to a special church that has been reported to be a fertility mecca.   After our return home and another positive pregnancy test, we thought we were on our way, but alas that too was short lived.  Finally we got referred to an RE from a regular ob/gyn, who really thought we were getting all freaked out for no reason by the way.  We had 2 failed Clomid cylces, got some cysts, and finally decided to go big or go home.  We are praying to get awesome news on Wednesday when I have my beta test, but have 6 embies in the freezer if things don't go so well.


Lora said...

Praying for a positive test on Wednesday!!!

Holli said...

Only 3 more days!! :) Still praying for you both!

DandelionBreeze said...

Hi... Just passed on a Liebster Award to you too :)) FXd for you 2WW xoxo

See link :

Chrissie said...

Wishing you all the best for Wednesday!

AJ said...

Good luck! Sending some positive thoughts your way! I'm starting my first IVF after the holidays and I can't wait! I agree...go big or go home!!

Anonymous said...

Praying for a positive beta!! Agreed that 1 and done would be great!

Happy ICLW #16

Lady Bug said...

Good luck on your beta!

By the way, Tell Me About Yourself Blog Award has been passed on to you. I wish you well. Hugs...

marilyn said...

when is the beta test?!!!