Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Retrieval day...

My retrieval was this morning at 7:15 and all went well.  They got 19 eggs!  Before I went in my doctor sat down to talk to me about my estrogen levels which are apparently quite high. I don't have the exact number, but they were 4000 before the trigger shot.  That's why they only wanted me to take half of the trigger shot.  So basically we have a couple option and this is all pending how the next 2 or so days go.
If all goes well in the next couple days and my estrogen levels go down, we transfer 2 embryos as planned.  If my estrogen only goes down a little we will only transfer 1 embryo because if I get pregnant the levels will go back up.  If they are still too high we freeze all of them, wait till my levels drop, then do a frozen transfer.  He is concerned about ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome, so the next couple days are going to be a big battle between me and Gatorade.  Doctors orders are to eat very salty foods and drink 120-150 ounces of liquid a day, mostly Gatorade, fruit juice and vegetable juice because they are the most healthy and full of electrolytes .  I feel its the hardest thing drinking all this liquid because I'm so bloated from drinking so much but then I have to remember to eat and all the stuff that I eat has to be salty.  But my husband/nurse thinks I'm doing well.  I'm assuming they will be doing more blood work in the next few days, but I haven't heard anything about that yet.  I'll probably hear something more about that when they call with the fertilization numbers.

I was wrong about thinking I wouldn't need the Percocet.  From what our research online has told us, everyone feels different after the retrieval.  Some hurt alot, some don't hurt at all.  Me, I was hurting alot and the percocets have helped tremendously.  My husband has done a great job taking care of me.   Oh, and my first Progesterone shot is tonight.  I will be doing it at 10.  I'm definitely not looking forward to that since the doctor straight up told me it will not be pleasant, but its only for 2 weeks so I'll just have to man up and take it.  Overall it hasn't been that bad, we are just going to have to muscle through it for the next few days, that's all.  So for now, our prayers tonight and tomorrow are for my estrogen levels.  Hopefully they go down.


teri said...

Wow this is a great explanation. I understand much more now.

DandelionBreeze said...

Fantastic result for your retrieval !! Hoping that your E drops and that you can go ahead with a transfer this cycle... FXd for you :)) Happy drinking and resting :) My retrieval hurt far more than I was expecting and I needed to take pain relief for sure :) Thinking of you xoxo

Elaine VanDRiver said...

19 eggs is wonderful! And I hear ya on the bloating--it's no fun at all! I actually broke down and bought prune juice, it helped, but it tasted like poo! Wishing you all the best.

Ally said...

Elaine, I made my husband get prune juice too, and it does taste like poo. My mom suggested fiber cereal. I may try that and some gasX.

Holli said...

I get so exhausted just reading what you're going through.... you are one strong lady!! I'm so happy to hear they retreived 19 eggs from you... that's great!

Kayla said...

Wonderful retrieval news! :)