Monday, June 20, 2011

Why is ovulation so confusing?

First of all I want to say thank you to everyone following my blog. Knowing someone is out there reading what I'm saying and thinking has made this process a little easier. I've enjoyed the comments that I've gotten and they always make me a little misty eyed because I really feel like you guys are right there with me, so I thank you for that.

So, I know my doctors appointment is Wednesday and I'll ask him this question, but I figured I'd throw it out there to see if anyone else can shed some light. I've been tracking my ovulation for the past year and up until recently haven't seem to be really having anything to track. I have the ovulation tracker as an app on my phone and it tells me when my period is due, when my most fertile days are and when I should be ovulating. The app tells when most people should ovulate -- 14 days into your cycle and all that. Up until now that's what I was assuming was happening with me. For a while I thought I was ovulating late because I wasn't seeing any lines on the ovulation sticks, or I'd see a really faint line for a day or two on the days the tracker said I should be ovulating, and then that'd be it.

So this week I decided to change things up and start with the ovulation sticks a week early because a few days ago I was having a discharge that looked like the ovulation discharge. OK so on Saturday there was a faint line, on Sunday there was a faint line but a tad darker than Saturday, and today the line was deep deep purple, just as dark as the control line. Here's my question though: my ovulation app said that I should ovulate on the 25th based on when I got my period and all that. This seems a bit early no? I don't know if I should be worried because It's too early, or if it's a good thing because this is the first time I've seen an actual LH surge in about 4 months since the chemical pregnancy. This could be due to my being on my super-mega dose of folic acid and baby aspirin every day which could be regulating my hormones now and making me actually ovulate. It just seems so early.

So I guess we start trying again starting now, unless the doctor tells us any different on Wednesday at our appointment. Also today my Aunt sent me a a blessed St. Gerard medal and novena prayer (St. Gerard is the patron saint of expectant mothers and those who want to conceive). So for now, as always, we will be saying our prayers tonight (and a special one to Saint Gerard). Thank you so much Aunt Vicki!! And talk to you all soon!


teri said...

Love the St. Gerard medal!

I think it's kind of amazing they have kits now that can tell you when you're ovulating.Wish I'd had that years ago when I needed it.

Holli said...

I don't know a whole lot about ovulation and the kits they have out but I agree with Teri... it's amazing at how far we've come in society in this arena.